Telecom Smart Charge Application

An end-to-end solution to provide loyalty based smart recharging offers and recharging facilities on mobile platforms that is leverged by hundreds of thousands of people across the world.

About the Customer

Our customer is a leading product organisation, which has analytics and marketing products covering different telecom Value Added Services, and serves some of the world's largest telecom companies.

The Business Case

Our customer wanted a hybrid mobile application that would allow them to offer seameless value added services to millions of users having devices running iOS, Android as well as Windows Phone OS. The customer wanted to offer a new recharging option for users which would depend on their pioneer Loyalty based Customer Offer management engine.

Our Solution

Attinad worked with the customer's technology team to devise and deploy a smart charge application which provided a brand new service capability for the cutomer to help their telecom partners offer specialized loyalty offerings to millions of users across the globe.

We delivered both a mobile as well as web based solution for

  • Handling value recharges
  • Offer Management
  • Integration with existing reward management engine

Solution Achievements

Prior to setting up an engagement with Attinad, the customer did not have any expertise in the smartphone application space. Our technology architects dissected their core server side solutions to create a hybrid mobile application.

The solution allowed our customer to

  • Create a whole new value offering for new and existing customers
  • Target a large number of smartphone user base
  • Deploy platform independent services via the app