
From helping healthcare organizations to improve field care delivery to empowering patients with more convenience, Attinad is continuously focusing on delivering niche healthcare solutions to some of the biggest names in the healthcare vertical.

InPatient Survey Solution

We helped a leading health services organization in the Middle-East to eliminate their paper based feedback collection system by developing an end to end survey management solution.

The system collects feedbacks from patients and communicates them to the respective stakeholders.

Unique features of the application involved

  • Eliminate manual paper based data entry
  • User friendly patient surveying for feedback aggregation
  • Setting priorities for feedback escalation
  • Incorporate hierarchical feedback propagation based on actions required

The solution helped our client to improve their healthcare delivery mechanism by introducing a timely feedback propagation system that helped them to connect better and faster with patients and rollout decisions quickly.

Data aggregation system for Cancer Organization

Attinad developed a survey and reporting solution for a government sponsored Cancer society in the Middle East. The Society was engaged in delivering better supportive care to cancer patients across the region and they wanted to incorporate mobility in their administrative system to develop better field services.

We developed a Tablet based survey and feedback management system that allowed field service volunteers to garner information from multiple patient contact points. The solution helped the society to

  • Identify service deployment areas
  • Set up effective patient survey systems
  • Collect data conveniently through surveys
  • Prepare detailed reports
  • Channel reports to stakeholders

The solution was a huge success in enbaling the charity organisation to digitize patient data collection and store data for further analytics and decision making.