Senior Front End Software Engineer

About the Role:

As a senior software engineer a large portion of your time and energy will be focused on a cross-functional team building scientific infrastructure for the modern era.

Our project teams are made up of engineers, program managers, designers, and product managers. We are highly collaborative, oriented towards building and learning, and keenly aware of the responsibility of helping our customers deploy software products for real end users.

What We’re Looking For:

This opening is for Front End Engineers of all levels, and our interview process will evaluate your background and experience to assess your current level and enable you to be successful in your role here. Experience does not always equal expertise so reach out if you can say ‘yes’ to most of these bullets:

  • Built and shipped a web app to production; either solo or as a major contributing member of a team
  • Modern JavaScript frameworks are where you thrive and when we need an app built in React.js or Vue.js: you’re the one who jumps at the opportunity
  • Backend engineers and UX designers trust you, to inform API design and do what you can to improve the user experience
  • Back end may not be where your expertise lies, but you could talk the talk and maybe have even developed some backend APIs
  • The cloud is familiar to you and you have experience with one of the major cloud providers (AWS, GCP, or Azure)
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Job Details

Job Type
Full Time
4+ years